Recently, the bisphenol A market has experienced a series of fluctuations, influenced by the raw material market, downstream demand, and regional supply and demand differences.


1、 Market dynamics of raw materials

1. Phenol market fluctuates sideways

Yesterday, the domestic phenol market maintained a sideways fluctuation trend, and the negotiated price of phenol in East China remained within the range of 7850-7900 yuan/ton. The market atmosphere is relatively flat, and holders adopt a strategy of following the market to advance their offers, while the procurement needs of end enterprises are mainly based on rigid demand.

2. The acetone market is experiencing a narrow upward trend

Unlike the phenol market, the acetone market in East China showed a narrow upward trend yesterday. The market negotiation price reference is around 5850-5900 yuan/ton, and the attitude of the holders is stable, with offers gradually approaching the high-end. The centralized upward adjustment of petrochemical enterprises has also provided certain support for the market. Although the purchasing power of end enterprises is average, actual transactions are still conducted with small orders.


2、 Overview of Bisphenol A Market

1. Price trend

Yesterday, the domestic spot market for bisphenol A fluctuated downward. The mainstream negotiation price range in East China is 9550-9700 yuan/ton, with an average price decrease of 25 yuan/ton compared to the previous trading day; In other regions, such as North China, Shandong and Mount Huangshan, prices have also declined to varying degrees, ranging from 50-75 yuan/ton.

Market price of bisphenol A

Market price trend of bisphenol A


2. Supply and demand situation

The supply and demand situation of bisphenol A market presents a regional imbalance. Excess supply in some regions has led to increased willingness of holders to ship, resulting in downward pressure on prices; However, in other regions, prices remain relatively firm due to tight supply. In addition, the lack of favorable downstream demand is also one of the important reasons for the downward market volatility.


3、 Downstream market response

1. Epoxy resin market

Yesterday, the domestic epoxy resin market maintained a high volatility. Due to the tight availability of raw material ECH in stock, the cost support for epoxy resin remains stable. However, downstream resistance to high priced resins is strong, resulting in a weak trading atmosphere in the market and insufficient actual trading volume. Despite this, some epoxy resin companies still insist on firm offers, making it difficult to find low-priced sources in the market.

2. Weak and volatile PC market

Compared with the epoxy resin market, the domestic PC market showed a weak and volatile consolidation trend yesterday. Affected by the difficult to say positive fundamentals and the lack of significant improvement in post holiday trading, the willingness of industry players to ship with them has increased. The South China region mainly experienced consolidation after a decline, while the East China region operated weakly overall. Although some domestic PC factories have raised their ex factory prices, the overall spot market remains weak.


4、 Future forecast

Based on current market dynamics and changes in the upstream and downstream industrial chains, it is expected that the bisphenol A market will maintain a narrow and weak trend in the short term. The slowdown in fluctuations in the raw material market and the lack of favorable support from downstream demand will jointly affect the market trend. Meanwhile, the imbalance between supply and demand in different regions will continue to affect market prices.

Post time: Oct-15-2024